
IDC is Indirect Costs (also known as F&A) that are expenses are real costs of University operations that are not readily assignable to a particular project. Indirect cost rates are determined by the Federal government under the Uniform Guidance.

Contact SRS. However you are comfortable: e-mail, phone, stop by our office; just be in contact. Tell us your idea. You may be surprised what we can do for you and how exciting writing a grant can be.

It depends on many factors. There are numerous grant competitions that are focused on new professionals and young faculty, and SRS can help guide you to these. In addition, there are many competitions that are looking for new people with new ideas. The best predictor is the merit of your proposal.

Sponsored research projects are considered “on campus” if they reside in any building or on any property owned by the University and the majority of project effort is expended at that site, no matter the location. Such projects must apply the “on campus” F&A rate to their budget and expenditures.


Reminder: Don’t sign the agreement!

Each system member has provided a delegation of signatures authority that allows designees authority to sign the agreement and bind the system member to the agreement. Individuals not specifically delegated to sign specific types of contracts are not authorized to sign on behalf of any Texas A&M System Member. If in doubt, please contact your contract negotiator!

A grant is typically given by an organization for a particular purpose. A specific performance is requested by the grantor and if conditions are not met the grant may be terminated. A grant will usually require a reporting mechanism to disseminate the research results. Grants usually have a specific period of performance and unexpended funds shall be returned to the grantor. A grant will be managed by Texas A&M University Sponsored Research Services.

A gift is provided by a donor and no obligations to return the unspent funds is required. A gift does not impose contractual obligations and the donor may not require the sharing of data results. The donor relinquishes all right to the gifted funds and is sometime referred to as “unrestricted cash gift.” Gifts are managed by Texas A&M Foundation.

For additional information:

TAMUS 21.05 Gifts, Donations, Grants and Endowments

Project Administration

Use My Contact to find the appropriate person to assist you.

Grant and Contract payments should be sent to:
400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South
Suite 300
College Station, Texas 77845

Contact your project administrator. They will review the award document for specific extension requirements, inform you of those requirements, then work with you to get the information submitted to the sponsor in a timely manner.

Part of the closeout process of fixed priced awards is to request a justification for any residual balance that is >= 25% of the award amount. This is requested to ensure that the submitted cost budget was an accurate reflection at the time of proposal submission and that an extenuating circumstance caused the significant residual balance.

All correspondence can be uploaded into Maestro in the documents section. If you do not feel comfortable uploading these documents yourself, you can forward them to your project administrator for processing.

Maestro includes a tab specifically for the storing of deliverables. When you click on the deliverables tab, a list of all pending deliverables will appear. Click on the deliverable in question, upload the report, then change the status from pending to complete. This will save the report to Maestro for you, and it will remove the pending deliverable notice from your task list. If you do not feel comfortable uploading these documents yourself, you can forward them to your project administrator for processing.

No, all award documents will need to be reviewed and signed by the SRS office. If you receive any of the documents from the sponsor directly, please forward them to your project administrator for processing.

SRS Accounts Receivables group will complete all financial reports.